Seven years of collaboration with Beyond Housing

Seven years of collaboration with Beyond Housing

The Peter & Lyndy White Foundation first commenced discussions about working with Beyond Housing in 2016. In 2018 the Foundation agreed to fund 50% of the cost to build 11 single bed units in Wangarratta, Shepparton and Seymour. Our working relationship with...
2023: Beyond Housing, Sadler Street launch

2023: Beyond Housing, Sadler Street launch

BeyondHousing marked a significant milestone as it proudly celebrated the official opening of its newest 13-unit social housing development in Wangaratta. Committed to its purpose of ending homelessness, BeyondHousing has transformed the former aged care facility site...
2023: Beyond Housing, Graham Street launch

2023: Beyond Housing, Graham Street launch

BeyondHousing officially opened its newest $6.1 million social housing development in Shepparton on the 1st of August 2023. The project received significant support through a $4.5 million investment from the Peter & Lyndy White Foundation, a contribution of...
Built for Good: Family Violence Accommodation

Built for Good: Family Violence Accommodation

Launched in November 2019, the development in Pakenham is a joint initiative between the Peter & Lyndy White Foundation, Cardinia Shire Council, Sienna Homes, Wayss and Windermere.  Wayss and Windermere partner to provide operational oversight of the project,...