Our Founders
Peter and Lyndell White
We realised that many Australians have dropped out of main-stream society due to various mental health and economic social problems. We had thought of leaving part of our estate to charity upon our demise, but then thought why not do something now?
In 2006 we set up The Peter and Lyndy White Foundation with an initial donation of $20 million dollars. It was not until 2010 that we began to look at helping the homeless and disadvantaged via the NFP’s that care for these clients. We initially set an aspirational target to house 500 people within our lifetimes. As at 30.06.22 we had achieved this milestone.
Since 2018 we have been building a strong partnership with Beyond Housing who provide housing and support services to people suffering the devastating impacts of housing insecurity.
In 2022 we reached our aspirational target of housing
500 people

50 years of marriage celebration